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Life and Work of the Congregation

Sunday Morning worship is at 10:30am. Glen Rhodes also hosts non-traditional evening services at different times throughout the year. Watch the home page for information on these.

East End United
Toronto, Ontario
A regional ministry of the United Church of Canada
UPDATE: October 9, 2016







Four congregations voted on September 25 to join together for ministry in the East End: Cosburn, Eastminster, Glen Rhodes and Hope United Churches. Now there is great eagerness for what will come, as well as great curiosity.


Ambassadors and ministers of the congregations have been talking about what’s next for our shared regional ministry.


Here are some of the things we can expect…



…in the short and medium term


· Joint services


There will be more joint services such as the one last Sunday at Glen Rhodes. We want to make them frequent enough that we begin to get to know and enjoy each other and far enough apart so that they remain special occasions.


· Joint action for social justice


One example is the Danforth Multi-faith Walk to eradicate poverty, Sunday, October 16 at 2:15 at the Madinah Masjid (the mosque at 1015 Danforth Ave.), proceeding west on Danforth to the sukkah of the Danforth Jewish Circle on Playter. There will be more activities involving us all in the months to come, including education and action for living out right relations and reconciliation.


· Shared social action


Eastminster houses the Out of the Cold program on Friday nights in winter. Glen Rhodes provides a food bank each Wednesday and a community meal on the 4th Monday of the month. We will begin to widen our sharing from all four congregations for these outreach programs.


· Website & communications


We anticipate help to get a new website and improved communications going. Each congregation will begin to refer to itself as a ministry or congregation of the regional ministry.


· Fun


There are activities proposed to help us get to know each other in informal settings.


· Faith development


There is already a call for joint bible study to help us grow in faith, possibly over dinner!




…and in the longer term


· Exploring the vision


Meeting as large groups to orient ourselves to the possibilities of the regional ministry, and identify principles and hopes for it


· Organize our efforts as East End United


Gradually we will discover how best to use the many gifts and skills of volunteers and staff members across the regional ministry. It’s possible there will be added staff, too, with support from Toronto Southeast Presbytery.

The East End regional ministry as an organization…


… the four congregations will flesh out and test the covenant for the next nine to twelve months. There will be another vote in all four churches some time in 2017 to decide whether to ask Toronto Southeast Presbytery officially to create one regional ministry from the four congregations.




There will be a joint board or council, with representatives from each congregation. How joint ministry activities will be planned and administered will become clear in the next few months. It is likely there will be some joint committees to oversee things.




At some point there will be a joint account to cover costs of the regional ministry that are shared. Other, local expenses will continue to be paid by each congregation. Work is underway to develop a “fair share” formula, so that each congregation supports the central budget at an appropriate level.




Online resources such as a shared calendar and a central e-mail list will make it convenient for everyone to know what is happening at all four campuses of East End United.





We will be working together to develop an exciting vision of how we can be most faithful as a large group with a rich history and many resources for the sake of our neighbours, the many newcomers to the area and our world.





This Week
Looking ahead

The Drop-In Centre would appreciate donations of coffee, cold cereal, sugar, cookies/ snacks, can openers, toothbrushes and other toiletries, and books (romance, novels, mysteries, children’s, and so on.)


Drop-In and Food Bank is open on Wednesday, 9:00 to 11:30 am and 2:00 to 4:00 pm

Drop-In Center

Since late spring, the Our Purpose Team  (OPT), has been gathering information about Glen Rhodes Church and its neighbourhood, all to help us determine our purpose at present.


On Sunday, September 29, the congregation began to review those findings and direct the shaping of a purpose statement. About 25 people stayed after church to review the OPT presentation and compare it with their sense of what Glen Rhodes is being called to be and do.


Internal information gathering at Glen Rhodes consisted of:


  • A discussion about our faith journey and the passion that moves us to love and serve

  • Reflecting on a twenty year old statement (“What Makes Us Tick”)

  • A history timeline

  • Exploration of our theology using hymn and scripture choices


What follows is the initial condensing of this information by OPT to find themes, with input sought from the congregation to expand or change it to better reflect who we are and who we hope to be (our purpose) as a church. 

Internal Conversations
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